Detailed ROV inspections

No matter the inspection you need or what the weather is like, we can inspect your hull and niche areas in around two hours and report back to you without delay.

How do our remote
ROV inspections work?

We inspect your vessel using a standard ROV. Due to our extensive experience, we are allowed to do the inspections from the terminal quayside, resulting in very fast and efficient service.

In a normal inspection we cover the full hull in sections and clearly indicate from which location each photo is from. We also inspect the most common niche areas such as sea chests, propellers and bow thrusters. If you want to be able to make quick decisions on the spot, you can join our team and follow the inspection on video.

Since we always cover the same areas, you can follow the development of fouling and paint condition on your vessel over time.

What happens when you book an inspection with us?

1. You book an inspection

When we receive your booking, we plan the job together with the captain and the agent before the vessel comes in. Everything is prepared beforehand so that your crew doesn’t have to deal with additional work during the port call.

2. We inspect your hull and niche areas

Depending on the vessel plans in port, we will do the inspection either from the quayside or from our workboat. An average inspection is completed within 2 hours.

3. We report

As soon as the inspection has been completed, we prepare the report. If further services are needed within the same port call, the report can be available for quick assessment within 1 hour. If there is no urgent need, the report will be sent to you within 24 hours.

4. We follow up and discuss next steps

Our team will follow up with you to discuss the next steps based on the report and the condition of your vessel and antifouling coating.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the inspection done?

We use a standard ROV to perform our inspections. Due to our extensive experience, we are allowed to do the inspections from the quayside in terminals. This makes our service very fast and effective.

What will be inspected?

For our normal inspection, we inspect the full hull in sections and clearly indicate which locations the photos are from. We also inspect the most common niche areas such as sea chest, propeller and bow thruster.

When we do inspections, we always cover the same areas. This means that if you do several inspections on the same vessel, you can follow the development of fouling or paint conditions. During a hull cleaning, we will also cover the same areas as a minimum.

Are there any operational limitations?

We can perform the inspection 24/7. There are certain space requirements, which means that there are some very small niche areas where it’s currently not possible to get a clear photo.

Our ROV can handle currents up to 1.2 knots. This is enough to be able to provide inspections during a normal port call.

Is it possible to follow the inspection?

It’s possible for your crew to come join our team to follow the inspection live.

See our other services

Hull cleaning while bunkering

With our remote ROV cleaning system we perform safe, gentle and sustainable hull cleanings during port calls and at anchorage – saving you valuable time.

See service
The first ever ROV propeller cleaning

Using the first ever remote propeller cleaning system, we perform quayside cleanings to further reduce your fuel consumption.

See service